Brian's Music

“I've worked in the music business as a recording artist, producer, and record label executive for 25+ years. He had a gift for writing lyrics. What he penned between 2004 - 2009 address many of the social issues the United States is facing today.  He was inspired by diverse genres. He had a love for Neil Young, Crosy Stills & Nash, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, and Rush. I encouraged Brian to record an album at Annex Studios with help from Engineer Jonathan Shults, who had worked on several of my own albums. Brian, under the alias JONAHS, would release a 54 minute record with 11 original songs including a tribute to his wife Anna and a grandfather he never knew." -Paul Cardall



The years have come and gone

Time marches on it's course

Seasons fade into one another

while the cycle continues forth


Birth of eternal life

On earth takes physical form

growing wisdom and knowledge

and the past what is learned aloong

pass it along


Spring turns to summer

So the rays shine on all

after Autumn's harvest bounty

Leaves a fire fall


Through years of experience

each traveler must find their way

searching eyes are allowed to see

as childhood's innocence slowly fades

innocence fades


Hours become as seconds

Years become as days

As life's twilight approaches

precious memories slip away

the memories slip away


Spring turns to summer

So the rays shine on all

after Autumn's harvest bounty

Leaves a fire fall

Then comes Winter's cold silence

and the cycle turns toward renewed existence

For What It's Worth

There's something happening here

And what it is isn't exactly clear

Because there's men building bombs over there

telling us that we've got to be aware

I think it's time we stop

hey what's the sound

everybody look what's going on

There's battle lines being drawn

Nobody's right and

Everybody's wrong

Young people speaking their minds

getting so much resistance from behind

I think it's time we stop

hey what's the sound

everybody look what's going on

What a field day over here

10,000 people in the streets

sings of songs and carrying signs

must be saying 

“hooray for our side.”

And it's time we stop

hey what's the sound

everybody look what's going down

Paranoia strikes deep

into your life of fear it'll creep

it starts when you're always afraid

it's about a lie and the men that come and take you away

I think it's time we stop

hey what's the sound

everybody look what's going on